F1REE in its basic sense utilises varying training methods to deliver the best workout to time ratio possible. It uses various training methods: high intensity interval training; metabolic training; peripheral heart training; and overload training.
Each session is broken down into a series of exercises which means a person’s age, size, sex, or physical ability is challenged at their
own rate irrelevant of who is in the same class, or indeed on the mat next to them.
People often fear starting classes with complicated moves or combinations as they will believe they will look “silly” or “be unable to do it”. With the moves being simplistic, high repetition and at their own pace they will soon overcome this fear and once more enjoy the benefits of group exercise in a studio or gym floor environment.
F1REE offers all the benefits of cardiovascular and muscular strength and endurance training to build a workout through an appropriate aerobic curve to offer not only a fat burning session but one where the afterburn continues long after class.
All of which is continually monitored and controlled by a suitably skilled instructor, giving them a safe and effective workout.
Once qualified you can utilise music offerings from our F1REE PPL Free range or utilise existing fitness industry approved music you own. There are no venue licence fees or indeed monthly subscriptions with this programme.
**We are currently investigating the use of "All Rights Included Music" for this programme so it can be taught legally online too.
Course Pree-requisites
To attend the course the attendee must hold one of the following essential qualifications:
L2 or above Exercise to Music Qualification
L2 or above Gym Qualification
L2 or above Personal Training Qualification